Experiential Learning Week 2024

Experiential Learning Week 2024
Experiential Learning Weeks will take place from 13 May to 17 May 2024
(for P1 and P2 pupils) and 13 May to 23 May (for P3 to P5 pupils).
During these two weeks, pupils will be engaged in a variety of learning
activities that require them to work collaboratively, explore new ideas
and learn through hands-on activities.
Experiential Learning Weeks aims to provide pupils with hands-on learning
experiences that extend beyond the classroom setting. Some of the activities
that our pupils will be participating in include classroom hands-on activities,
learning journeys, coding and tinkering activities, and project work, etc.
These activities have been designed to provide pupils with interactive
and engaging learning experiences. We hope that the innovative ways would
instil greater joy of learning, pique pupils’ curiosity in learning and
develop important 21CC skills that will serve our pupils well in the future.
我们将从 5 月 13 日至 5 月 17 日(一、二年级), 和5月13日至5月23日(三至五年级)举办体验式学习周。学校将会安排一系列的学习活动让学生参与, 以激发他们对学习的兴趣与培养他们的协作能力等。
我们相信体验式学习周能培养学生的 21 世纪技能,为他们的将来做好准备。
Experiential Learning Week Day 1